CM-T3530: WinCE: Splashscreen Customization

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CM-T3530 users usually prefer to use a custom display solution in their products. CompuLab offers an LCD adaptation service that provides display timings parameters to be used by Windows CE. This guide explains how to customize the splashscreen image and display timings.

Splashscreen Background

The splashscreen display timings and the image are stored in the NAND flash during the image installation process. During system boot the Windows CE bootloader(Eboot) loads the splashscreen image and display timings from a predefined location in the NAND flash.

Admolition note.png Current Eboot implementation supports the splashscreen images in the 16-bit BMP format
Admolition note.png If you change the default NAND Layout specified in installation script.xml you should update the Eboot code

Splashscreen Customization

Splashscreen customization is performed as a part of the demo image installation flow (described in the Getting Started Guide). Before starting the installation flow perform the following modifications to the content of the Livedisk directory.

  <action type="update_parameter" subtype="offset"> 
    <target id="boot_parameters"></target>
    <params param_offset="0x100" param_length="4" param_value="0x4c434453" param_type="number"></params> <!-- Signature-->
    <params param_offset="0x104" param_length="4" param_value="0x280" param_type="number"></params> <!-- Height-->
    <params param_offset="0x108" param_length="4" param_value="0x1e0" param_type="number"></params> <!-- Width-->
    <params param_offset="0x10C" param_length="4" param_value="0x20" param_type="number"></params> <!-- HorizontalSyncPulseWidth-->
    <params param_offset="0x110" param_length="4" param_value="0x0" param_type="number"></params> <!-- HorizontalSyncPolarity-->
    <params param_offset="0x114" param_length="4" param_value="0x17" param_type="number"></params> <!-- HorizontalBackPorch-->
    <params param_offset="0x118" param_length="4" param_value="0x8" param_type="number"></params> <!-- HorizontalFrontPorch-->
    <params param_offset="0x11C" param_length="4" param_value="0x1" param_type="number"></params> <!-- VerticalSyncPulseWidth-->
    <params param_offset="0x120" param_length="4" param_value="0x0" param_type="number"></params> <!-- VeritcalSyncPolairty-->
    <params param_offset="0x124" param_length="4" param_value="0x3" param_type="number"></params> <!-- VerticalBackPorch-->
    <params param_offset="0x128" param_length="4" param_value="0x4" param_type="number"></params> <!-- VerticalFrontPorch-->
    <params param_offset="0x12C" param_length="4" param_value="0x17D7840" param_type="number"></params> <!-- PixelClockFrequency-->
    <params param_offset="0x130" param_length="4" param_value="0x1" param_type="number"></params> <!-- PixelClockPolarity-->
    <params param_offset="0x134" param_length="4" param_value="0x0" param_type="number"></params> <!-- IsDVIEnabled--> 
    <params param_offset="0x138" param_length="4" param_value="0x0" param_type="number"></params> <!-- IsLVDSEnabled-->    
  • insert the above XML snippet instead of update_parameter action in the the demo image installation script.xml
Admolition note.png Ensure that your NK.bin is pre-compiled with the same display timings as splashscreen. See NK.bin display timings customization guide for details

See Also