Transclusion: WvDial

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WvDial is a Point-to-Point Protocol dialer that automatically detects modem, and can log into almost any Internet Service Provider without a complicated configuration. First, edit the wldial configuration file. Please use the a correct ISP APN instead of YOUR_ISP_APN stub.

Example configuration file /etc/wvdial.conf:

[Dialer cellular]

# Your modem device. Usually /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0
#Modem = /dev/ttyACM0
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB3

# Port speeds that're worth testing:
# 921600
# 460800
# 115200
#  57600
Baud = 115200

# If your SIM card has a PIN, comment this line, uncomment the next one, and
# change the PIN shown to your PIN.
Init = ATZ
# Init = ATZ+CPIN="0000"

# If you know your ISP's APN, specify it instead of YOUR_ISP_APN below.
# If you don't, you may be able to find out on the 'net, or from tech
# support.
# There's also an APN table at .
# If you can't find it, you might be able to dial out without setting an APN
# (especially from a mobile phone). Just comment this line and uncomment
# the next one.
#Init2 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP"

# Most services/devices dial with *99# . A few seem to require *99***1#
Phone = *99#

# These often suffice, but your ISP might require different details. They're
# often dummy details used for all users on the ISP, frequently the ISP's
# name, but some ISP's do require you to use a real username and password.
Username = dummy
Password = dummy